research and write an essay of two pages on one of South Africa’s three main
trade unions. Refer to the rubric at the end of the question to see how you
will be assessed. Use the essay template below.
[20 marks]
How to
write an essay:
The first paragraph of an essay consists
of the introduction. In the introduction you tell people what you will be
telling them about in the essay. The body of the essay consists of several
paragraphs in which you state the different points you want to convey (each in
its own paragraph). You will state the facts of each point and explain them in
the body. The last part of the essay is the conclusion. In the conclusion you
will summarise the supporting information and show how you reached your
conclusion. In short, remember: In the introduction you tell people what you
are going to tell them. In the body, you tell them. Then in the conclusion, you
tell them what you have told them!
Make use of these tips:
you have a topic, prepare an outline of ideas to include in your essay.
will be responsible for supplying facts in your essay, so ensure that your
facts are correct.
your own words to explain the facts in your essay; don’t just copy them out of
the content you have read.
examples to explain what you mean, if necessary.
appropriate terminology and avoid using slang.
concise and relevant.
paragraph should answer the question asked.
attention to your grammar usage and spelling in the essay.
for the structure of this essay:
Introduction: Introducing the main topic
and main sections of the essay.
Paragraph 1: Explain when the trade
union was established.
Paragraph 2: Describe the trade union’s
beliefs and goals.
Paragraph 3: Describe the trade union’s
role under apartheid.
Paragraph 4: Describe the trade union’s
current role in South Africa.
Conclusion: Comment on why the trade
union is still active and important in South Africa.
Teacher assessment rubric:
analyse and organise information on one of the three main trade unions
[Marks out of 5]
The learner
shows exceptional skill in collecting, analysing and organising information. The
learner brought research to class from four or more sources.
[5 marks]
The learner
shows very good skill in collecting, analysing and organising information.
The learner brought research to class from three sources.
[4 marks]
The learner
shows satisfactory skill in collecting, analysing and organising information.
The learner brought research to class from two sources.
[3 marks]
The learner
shows little skill in collecting, analysing and organising information. The
learner relied on information supplied by the teacher and textbook.
[1-2 marks]
Inclusion of
all points
[Marks out of 5]
The learner
included all the points required in the essay and expanded on them all.
[5 marks]
The learner
included all the points required in the essay and expanded on some of them.
[4 marks]
The learner
included all the points required in the essay.
[3 marks]
The learner
did not include all the points required in the essay.
[1-2 marks]
Content and
[Marks out of 5]
The content
is correct and well structured. [5 marks]
The content is
mostly correct and well structured. [4 marks]
The essay
contains a few factual errors but is fairly well structured. [4 marks]
The essay
contains many factual errors and is poorly structured. [1-2 marks]
Language use
in paragraph
[Marks out of 5]
language usage with no mistakes. Own words used.
[5 marks]
Good language
usage with only a few mistakes (fewer than five). Own words mostly used.
[4 marks]
language usage with more than five mistakes. Some sentences are copied from
the lesson.
[3 marks]
attempt to use correct language or no attempt to use own words.
[1-2 marks]
Total marks out of 20:
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